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Fancy Number Plate for Car & Bike (India) | Process, Cost & Tips

Fancy Number Plate for Car

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To get a fancy number for your vehicle, you typically need to follow the process outlined by your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent authority. Here is a general guide on how you can go about getting a fancy number for your vehicle

  • Fancy Number Plate for Car & Bike (India) | Process, Cost & Tips
  •  Why Get a Fancy Number Plate?
  •  Navigating the RTO Process
  • Tips to Secure Your Dream Plate
  • Local VariatiA fancy license plate isn’t just about vanity. It can:
  • Increase Recognition: Make your car or bike unforgettable on the road.
  • Express Yourself: Choose a number that reflects your lucky digits, initials, or birthdate.
  • Add Value: Certain number combinations can even hold resale value!

Knowing the RTO Route

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The process of acquiring a fancy number can vary slightly depending on your state. However, here’s a general roadmap to navigate:

  1. Availability Check: Head to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTHI) wehttps://fancy.parivahan.gov.inbsite[ https://fancy.parivahan.gov.in  ] Look for the “Fancy Number Allocation” section and select your state and Regional Transport Office (RTO). This will reveal a treasure trove of available fancy numbers.

  2. Selection and Application: Found your ideal plate? Most states allow online applications on the RTO website. Register yourself and there might be a reservation fee to hold the number.

  3. Bidding or Fee: Fancy numbers often come at a premium. Some states have an auction system where you compete with other interested drivers. Alternatively, a set fee might be associated with the number, depending on its perceived desirability.

  4. Payment 

  5. on: If you win the bidding or pay the fee, congratulations! You’ll typically receive an allotment letter confirming your ownership of the fancy number.Traffic Police To Fine Fancy Number Plates

Tips to Secure Your Dream Plate

  • Strategic Selection: Popular combinations like single digits or sequential numbers will be more expensive. Consider birthdays, initials, or lucky numbers in a less common format for a better deal.

  • Act Fast: Don’t wait! Fancy numbers get reserved quickly. Be prepared to move swiftly once you find a plate that catches your eye.

  • Explore Alternatives: If a super fancy number is beyond your budget, some states allow customizing the last few digits of your regular registration for a smaller fee.

Local Variations:

Remember, information might differ slightly by state. So, for the most up-to-date details, always visit your local RTO website or office. They’ll be happy to guide you through the specific process in your area.

Get Rolling with a Fancy Flair!

With a little planning and this handy guide, you’ll be cruising down the road in style with a license plate that truly reflects your personality. Now, go get your flashy new ride plate and turn heads wherever you go!


Fancy Number 'TG 09 9999' Sold for Rs. 25 Lakhs in Online Bidding in Hyderabad

It’s important to note that the process of getting a fancy number for your vehicle may vary depending on your location and the specific rules and regulations set by the local transport department. It’s best to contact your local DMV or relevant authority for detailed information on how to get a fancy number for your vehicle in your area.

    Additional rules applicable to car/bike plate numbers
Some RTO offices may have additional rules or restrictions for allotting fancy registration numbers, such as:
* Some VIP numbers may only be available for certain types of vehicles.
* Some RTO offices may have a lottery system for the allocation of fancy numbers.
* Vehicle owners may not be allowed to transfer their fancy number to another person in case they decide to sell the vehicle.
* The auction for a VIP number may only be conducted once a year.

That’s it! You’ll be able to pay the fees for a fancy number on mParivahan in no time.

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